Riding on the Web2.0 trend, Cloud Computing is getting more and more popular. Some optimists even predicted that in a vary near future both software and hardware will be like water & electricity. PC no longer need software or powerful hardware as both are available online as services.
It is a vary exciting and intriguing development. It is convenience, flexible and green as Cloud Computing eliminates all physical distribution & it frees up a lot of redundant resources being tied up with underutilized software and hardware. It opens up new possibilities but at the same time closes doors for many existing IT players.
Wonder if Cloud CCTV could make inroads in the surveillance industry. It could spell disaster to all the small players in the industry as the capital intensive Cloud services is destined to be dominated by a few global giants.
But then again, as long as the privacy issue is unresolved, the great CCTV exodus to the cloud is like heading to a mirage in the sky.
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