Thursday, October 1, 2009


My fellow CCTVians and friends, welcome to the month of October. To jump start this exciting and challenging month, lets talk about an interesting concept of creativity.

CrEativitY can go a long way,
especially when we design a CCTV solution.

Creativity can lower down cost, CCTV gear last longer, to improve effectiveness
of the solution and ultimately to improve user satisfaction and our bottom line.

Check out this creative Chinese farmer did to his fruits.

Listen closely, the commentator says the farmer's creativity had
improved his earning by 100 folds!

While I's blogging, a CCTV installer came to our store to pick up some gear,
he said this is merely fad, it won't last.

Obviously he didn't understand or failed to see the meaning of
earning grown by 100 folds.
It literally means even if this "fad" could only last for 1 month,
your earning forthat month will bring you
8 years and 4 months of holiday.

If you bothered to do your maths,
the creative farmer can choose to retire
if it last for half a year.

I say it again,
CrEativitY can go a very long way
and for a very long time too.

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