Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We Are Still Here!

A couple of days ago, an IT supplier came to see me.

This old friend of mine will drop by once in a while as our CCTV solution uses a lot IT products like PC server, hard disk, LCD Screen etc.

He said his business is not doing well, before mid year, he had cut half of his company's manpower and he is going to do it again.

When the going get tough, I constantly remind myself and all my friends of the speech given by Morpheus in the 2003 movie “The Matrix Reloaded”

"Believe me when I say we have a difficult time ahead of us. But if we are to be prepared for it, we must first shed our fear of it. I stand here, before you now, truthfully unafraid. Why? Because I believe something you do not? No, I stand here without fear because I remember. I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me. I remember that for 100 years we have fought these machines. I remember that for 100 years they have sent their armies to destroy us, and after a century of war I remember that which matters most... We are still here!"

I will revisit this topic again soon.

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